Du 30 août au 3 septembre 2017 aura lieu la 23e édition de l’EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) à Maastricht, Pays-Bas.
Les six grands thèmes de la conférence sont :
- Twenty-five Years after Maastricht: Archaeology and Europe’s future
- The Valletta Convention: the next 25 years
- Trans- and Metadisciplinary Approaches in Archaeology
- The ‘Third Science Revolution’ in Archaeology
- Comparing Archaeology Across Regions and Periods
- Interpreting the Archeological Record
Des sessions dédiées aux nouvelles technologies auront lieu dans le cadre de cette conférence :
- le 31 août : “At the game table. Archaeology in (video)games.” et “3D technologies in archaeological documentation, analysis and interpretation” et “Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment”. et “Hidden stories. 3D techniques as tools for exploring archaeological assemblages” et “Method, theory and interpretation. Towards an integrated framework for arcaheological geophysics” et “Visualising the Past, Part II. Exploring meaningful approaches in interpreting and presenting the archaeological record” et “GIS and geomatic approaches to historical landscape archaeology. Comparisons from one side to the other of Europe and beyond.”
- le 1er septembre : ‘Mapping our heritage. Towards a sustainable future for digital spatial information and technologies in archaeological heritage” et “Landscapes through the lens of large-scale geophysical surveyx. Big data, big opportunities, and big challenges.” et ” Towards digital infrastructures for open, participatory, public archaeology”.
- le 2 septembre : “In play. Archaeology in videogames as a Metadisciplinary approach”
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Dal 30 agosto al 3 settembre 2017 si terrà la 23ma edizione dell’EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) a Maastricht, Paesi-Bassi.
I sei grandi temi della conferenza sono:
- Twenty-five Years after Maastricht: Archaeology and Europe’s future
- The Valletta Convention: the next 25 years
- Trans- and Metadisciplinary Approaches in Archaeology
- The ‘Third Science Revolution’ in Archaeology
- Comparing Archaeology Across Regions and Periods
- Interpreting the Archeological Record
Alcune sessioni della conferenza sarano dedicate alle nuove tecnologie:
- il 31 agosto: “At the game table. Archaeology in (video)games.” et “3D technologies in archaeological documentation, analysis and interpretation” et “Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment”. et “Hidden stories. 3D techniques as tools for exploring archaeological assemblages” et “Method, theory and interpretation. Towards an integrated framework for arcaheological geophysics” et “Visualising the Past, Part II. Exploring meaningful approaches in interpreting and presenting the archaeological record” et “GIS and geomatic approaches to historical landscape archaeology. Comparisons from one side to the other of Europe and beyond.”
- il 1mo settembre: ‘Mapping our heritage. Towards a sustainable future for digital spatial information and technologies in archaeological heritage” et “Landscapes through the lens of large-scale geophysical surveyx. Big data, big opportunities, and big challenges.” et ” Towards digital infrastructures for open, participatory, public archaeology”.
- il 2 settembre: “In play. Archaeology in videogames as a Metadisciplinary approach”
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From August 30th to September 3rd will be held the 23th edition of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) in Maastricht, Netherlands.
The six main themes of the conference are:
- Twenty-five Years after Maastricht: Archaeology and Europe’s future
- The Valletta Convention: the next 25 years
- Trans- and Metadisciplinary Approaches in Archaeology
- The ‘Third Science Revolution’ in Archaeology
- Comparing Archaeology Across Regions and Periods
- Interpreting the Archeological Record
Some of the conference sessions’ will be dedicated to new technologies:
- August 31st : “At the game table. Archaeology in (video)games.” et “3D technologies in archaeological documentation, analysis and interpretation” et “Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment”. et “Hidden stories. 3D techniques as tools for exploring archaeological assemblages” et “Method, theory and interpretation. Towards an integrated framework for arcaheological geophysics” et “Visualising the Past, Part II. Exploring meaningful approaches in interpreting and presenting the archaeological record” et “GIS and geomatic approaches to historical landscape archaeology. Comparisons from one side to the other of Europe and beyond.”
- September 1st: ‘Mapping our heritage. Towards a sustainable future for digital spatial information and technologies in archaeological heritage” et “Landscapes through the lens of large-scale geophysical surveyx. Big data, big opportunities, and big challenges.” et ” Towards digital infrastructures for open, participatory, public archaeology”.
- September 2nd: “In play. Archaeology in videogames as a Metadisciplinary approach”
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