The 2nd Open Knowledge-Open Arts Workshop est un atelier informel sur les données open source, l’open data et le patrimoine culturel.
Les thèmes principaux de la conférence sont :
- Open Data in Archaeology: prospective, possibilities and applications (Manifesto, platforms, portals, formats, …);
- Sharing and interaction between geographical open data and cultural heritage (for example with Web Gis);
- Legal aspects about the definition of “sensitive data” applied on cultural heritage;
- Creative works and intellectual property (thesis, research and publication);
- Kknowledge management about cultural heritage in Education: from the classroom to the public space;
- Lifelong learning strategies and practices concerning cultural heritage in the digital domain;
- Any other topic inherent Open Data.
Date limite de l’appel à contribution : 22 décembre 2015, soumettre votre résumé ici
Date limite d’inscription pour la participation au workshop : 31 janvier 2016
Site internet ici
Open Knowledge – Open Arts is an informal workshop about open data, open source and cultural heritage.
The main themes of the conference are:
- Open Data in Archaeology: prospective, possibilities and applications (Manifesto, platforms, portals, formats, …);
- Sharing and interaction between geographical open data and cultural heritage (for example with Web Gis);
- Legal aspects about the definition of “sensitive data” applied on cultural heritage;
- Creative works and intellectual property (thesis, research and publication);
- Kknowledge management about cultural heritage in Education: from the classroom to the public space;
- Lifelong learning strategies and practices concerning cultural heritage in the digital domain;
- Any other topic inherent Open Data.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 22/12/2015, submit here
Deadline for on – line registration for #OKOA16: 31/01/2016
Website here
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Aurélia Lureau (21 décembre 2015). Workshop – The 2nd Open Knowledge-Open Arts Workshop, février, Catania. Pix'Arc'Info. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse