Les 22 et 23 septembre 2016 se tiendra la 2nde édition de la conférence Virtual Geoscience Conference (VCG) à Bergen, Norvège.
Le thème principal de la conférence sera la collaboration multidisciplinaire, et la tendance actuelle de la convergence des recherches en géomatique, visualisation, la 3D et la réalité virtuelle ainsi que la réalité augmentée, qui sont toutes entrain de se combiner avec des applications en geosciences pour donner naissance à des nouvelles et intéressantes possibilités d’analyses.
Thèmes de la conférence :
1. Method developments
Focuses on innovations in acquisition and processing of 3D datasets, new sensors, devices and platforms, and integration of different techniques. This revolves around technology development (hardware and software).
- Laser scanning (lidar) & novel 3D mapping sensors
- Photogrammetry/structure from motion (SfM)
- Sensor integration (multi/hyperspectral, radar, thermal, geophysical)
- Novel platforms (UAVs)
- Mobile & real-time computing
- Augmented reality in fieldwork
- Laboratory-scale measurement (fossils, flumes, plaster, sediment tanks)
2. Data Analysis
Taking the processed 3D or 2D datasets and using them as the basis for analysis.
- Interpretation
- Automated feature mapping
- Geostatistics
- Numerical modelling and simulation
- Visualisation, computer graphics
- Virtual reality
- Change detection/monitoring
3. Application Fields
Showcase the major influence of spatial data across the geosciences, combining acquisition, processing and analysis to solve problems and answer outstanding questions.
- Geology (including petroleum geology): sedimentological mapping, reservoir analogues
- Structural geology: fracture mapping and network modelling
- Geomorphology: characterisation of surface processes
- Natural hazards: rockfalls, landslides, coastal erosion
- Glaciology/cryosphere: glacier front monitoring
- Volcanology: lava flow mapping, crater modelling, laboratory methodsHydraulics/through-water mapping
- Climate/environmentInfrastructure: tunnelling, railway, roads
- Mining and energy
This list is certainly non-exhaustive. The final programme will be designed based on the scientific quality of the submissions received.
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I 22 e 23 settembre 2016 si terrà la 2nda edizione del la conferenza Virtual Geoscience Conference (VCG) a Bergen, Norvegia.
Il tema principale della conferenza sarà la collaborazione multidisciplinare, e la tendenza attuale della convergenza delle ricerche in geomatica, visualizzazione, computer vision, computer graphics, realtà virtuale e realtà aumentata, che si stanno tutte combinando con applicazioni in geoscienze per fornire nuove ed interessantissime possibilità di analisi.
Temi della conferenza:
1. Method developments
Focuses on innovations in acquisition and processing of 3D datasets, new sensors, devices and platforms, and integration of different techniques. This revolves around technology development (hardware and software).
- Laser scanning (lidar) & novel 3D mapping sensors
- Photogrammetry/structure from motion (SfM)
- Sensor integration (multi/hyperspectral, radar, thermal, geophysical)
- Novel platforms (UAVs)
- Mobile & real-time computing
- Augmented reality in fieldwork
- Laboratory-scale measurement (fossils, flumes, plaster, sediment tanks)
2. Data Analysis
Taking the processed 3D or 2D datasets and using them as the basis for analysis.
- Interpretation
- Automated feature mapping
- Geostatistics
- Numerical modelling and simulation
- Visualisation, computer graphics
- Virtual reality
- Change detection/monitoring
3. Application Fields
Showcase the major influence of spatial data across the geosciences, combining acquisition, processing and analysis to solve problems and answer outstanding questions.
- Geology (including petroleum geology): sedimentological mapping, reservoir analogues
- Structural geology: fracture mapping and network modelling
- Geomorphology: characterisation of surface processes
- Natural hazards: rockfalls, landslides, coastal erosion
- Glaciology/cryosphere: glacier front monitoring
- Volcanology: lava flow mapping, crater modelling, laboratory methodsHydraulics/through-water mapping
- Climate/environmentInfrastructure: tunnelling, railway, roads
- Mining and energy
This list is certainly non-exhaustive. The final programme will be designed based on the scientific quality of the submissions received.
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The 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference (VGC) will be held in Bergen, Norway, 22-23 September 2016.
The conference main theme is all about multidisciplinary collaboration, and a recent trend is the general convergence of research in geomatics (spatial science), visualisation, computer vision and graphics, as well as virtual and augmented reality, which are filtering into geoscience applications to give new and exciting analysis possibilities.
Themes of the conference:
1. Method developments
Focuses on innovations in acquisition and processing of 3D datasets, new sensors, devices and platforms, and integration of different techniques. This revolves around technology development (hardware and software).
- Laser scanning (lidar) & novel 3D mapping sensors
- Photogrammetry/structure from motion (SfM)
- Sensor integration (multi/hyperspectral, radar, thermal, geophysical)
- Novel platforms (UAVs)
- Mobile & real-time computing
- Augmented reality in fieldwork
- Laboratory-scale measurement (fossils, flumes, plaster, sediment tanks)
2. Data Analysis
Taking the processed 3D or 2D datasets and using them as the basis for analysis.
- Interpretation
- Automated feature mapping
- Geostatistics
- Numerical modelling and simulation
- Visualisation, computer graphics
- Virtual reality
- Change detection/monitoring
3. Application Fields
Showcase the major influence of spatial data across the geosciences, combining acquisition, processing and analysis to solve problems and answer outstanding questions.
- Geology (including petroleum geology): sedimentological mapping, reservoir analogues
- Structural geology: fracture mapping and network modelling
- Geomorphology: characterisation of surface processes
- Natural hazards: rockfalls, landslides, coastal erosion
- Glaciology/cryosphere: glacier front monitoring
- Volcanology: lava flow mapping, crater modelling, laboratory methodsHydraulics/through-water mapping
- Climate/environmentInfrastructure: tunnelling, railway, roads
- Mining and energy
This list is certainly non-exhaustive. The final programme will be designed based on the scientific quality of the submissions received.
Website here