Call for papers – Conference Archaeological Information in the Digital Society, Juin-Juillet 2016, Uppsala

Du 30 juin au 2 juillet 2016 aura lieu la Conférence internationale Archaeological Information in the Digital Society à Uppsala, Suède.

Le thème de la conférence sera le Patrimoine Culturel Numérique, et les organisateurs souhaitent recevoir des propositions provenant de tous les domaines scientifiques.

L’appel à communication se terminera le 28 février 2016 et la proposition peut se faire sous forme de présentation orale traditionnelle, ou sous forme de poster, ou encore de démonstration technique, ou tout autre forme de présentation possible.

La proposition de présentation ne doit pas dépasser 200 mots en incluant le titre.

Soumission de présentation via Easychair ici

Site internet ici

Les questions regardant l’appel à communication sont à envoyer à Isto Huvila (Isto.Huvila [@]


Dal 30 giugno al 2 luglio 2016 si terrà ad Uppsala, Svezia, la Conferenza internazionale Archaeological Information in the Digital Society.

Il tema della conferenza sarà il Patrimonio Culturale Digitale, e gli organizzatori sperano ricevere participazioni da tutti i settori della ricerca.

La call for papers si chiuderà il 28 febbraio 2016  e la proposta di paper si può fare in modo tradizionale con una presentazione orale, o con un poster, o ancora con una dimostrazione tecnica, o qualsiasi tipo di presentazione possibile.
La proposta non deve superare 200 parole includendo il titolo.

Per rispondere alla Call si deve passare via Easychair qui

Sito internet qui

Domande riguardando la Call sono da inviare a Isto Huvila (Isto.Huvila [@]


From June 30th to July 2th will be held in Uppsala, Sweden, the International Conference on Archaeological Information in the Digital Society.

The theme of the conference will be Digital Heritage, and the organizzers hope to invite researchers  from all fields and topics of digital heritage.

The call for paper will end on February, 28, 2016, and the submission can take the form of a traditional oral presentation, or a poster, but may also be a technical demonstration, or any other forms of presentations.
Submissions should be no longer than 200 words including a title.

To answer the call you must go via Easychair here

Website here.

Questions regarding the submissions can be sent to Isto Huvila (Isto.Huvila [@]

Call for Papers – XXI Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT), Novembre 2016, Vienne

[français, italiano & english]

Du 16 au 18 novembre aura lieu la XXIe Conférence internationale sur le Patrimoine Culturel et les Nouvelles Technologies à Vienne.

Le thème principal sera “Urban Archaeology and Data”.

L’appel à communication se finira le 12 juin 2016 ici et les résumés seront choisis à travers un comité scientifique.

Les intervenants seront prévenus le 5 juillet 2016.

Ici l’appel pour proposer une session, une table ronde ou un atelier prendra fin le 31 janvier 2016.

Site internet ici

Enregistrement ici (non disponible pour l’instant)


Dal 16 al 18 Novembre 2016 si terrà a Viena la XXIma Conferenza internazionale per i Beni Culturali e le Nuove Tecnologie.

Il tema principale sarà “Urban Archaeology and Data”.

La call for papers (qui) si chiuderà il 12 giugno 2016 e gli abstracts saranno scelti tramitte un comittato scientifico.

I communicanti verrano avvertiti il 5 luglio 2016.

Qui si trova la call per le sessioni, tavole rotonde e workshops, che si chuiderà il 31 gennaio 2016.

Sito internet qui

Registrazione qui (non disponibile al momento)


From November 16th to 18th will be held in Viena the XXIst Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies.

The main theme will be “Urban Archaeology and Data”.

Call for paper here with deadline: until June 12th, 2016. The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.

Notification for speakers: July 5th, 2016

Here the call for session, roundtable or workshop will end on January, 31st 2016.

Website here.

Registration here (not available at the moment)

Colloque – LACONA (Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks), Septembre 2016, Cracovie

Du 19 au 23 septembre 2016 aura lieu la 11e conférence sur les Lasers pour la conservation des œuvres d’Art à Cracovie.

Le 19 septembre aura lieu un atelier dédié aux aspects pratiques de l’utilisation de lasers pour la conservation et la restauration des œuvres d’Art.

La conférence rassemble chercheurs, conservateurs, restaurateurs, architectes, entreprises, et experts pour qu’ils partagent leurs projets et expériences.

Les thèmes de la conférence sont :

    • Developments in laser removal of unwanted substances on culturally-important objects and monuments
    • Coherent light-based methods for imaging, documentation and examination of objects and structures:
      • 3D documentation, stratigraphic and depth-resolved methods,
      • holography,
      • interferometry,
      • shearometry,
      • vibrometry,
      • new instrumental and technological developments.
    • Case studies where laser-based methods have been used for conservation-restoration, documentation or analysis.
    • Laser-based spectroscopic techniques for analysis and monitoring, such as:
      • Raman spectroscopy,
      • Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS),
      • Laser-Induced Fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM),
      • advanced non-linear imaging microscopy,
      • terahertz spectroscopy and imaging,
      • new spectroscopic and imaging techniques.
    • Other projects or programmes in which coherent light technologies have been applied to the preservation of cultural heritage.

L’appel à communication se terminera le 1er mars 2016 et se fait avec les formulaires sur cette page.

Site internet ici




Dal 19 al 23 settembre 2016 si terrà la 11ma conferenza sui Lasers per la conservazione delle opere d’Arte a Cracovia.

Un workshop si terrà il 19 settembre, dedicato agli aspetti pratici dell’uso di lasers per la conservazione ed il restauro delle opere d’Arte.

La conferenza raduna ricercatori, conservatori, restauratori, architetti, imprese, ed esperti, per condividere i loro progetti ed esperienze.

I temi della conferenza sono:

    • Developments in laser removal of unwanted substances on culturally-important objects and monuments
    • Coherent light-based methods for imaging, documentation and examination of objects and structures:
      • 3D documentation, stratigraphic and depth-resolved methods,
      • holography,
      • interferometry,
      • shearometry,
      • vibrometry,
      • new instrumental and technological developments.
    • Case studies where laser-based methods have been used for conservation-restoration, documentation or analysis.
    • Laser-based spectroscopic techniques for analysis and monitoring, such as:
      • Raman spectroscopy,
      • Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS),
      • Laser-Induced Fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM),
      • advanced non-linear imaging microscopy,
      • terahertz spectroscopy and imaging,
      • new spectroscopic and imaging techniques.
    • Other projects or programmes in which coherent light technologies have been applied to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Il Call for Paper si chiuderà il 1mo marzo 2016 e si fa coi formulari sù questa pagina.

Sito internet qua



From September 19th to 23rd 2016 will be held in Cracow the 11th conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks.

On September 19th a workshop will take place dedicated to practical aspects of the use of lasers in preservation and restoration of Artworks.

The conference will gather together researchers, conservators and conservation scientists, companies, architects, decision-makers and experts in laser-based techniques for the conservation of cultural heritage to share their latest projects and experiences.

It’s organised by the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, the Nikolaus Copernicus Univeristy in Toruń and the Interacademic Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Art, Warsaw/Cracow.

The themes of the conference are:

    • Developments in laser removal of unwanted substances on culturally-important objects and monuments
    • Coherent light-based methods for imaging, documentation and examination of objects and structures:
      • 3D documentation, stratigraphic and depth-resolved methods,
      • holography,
      • interferometry,
      • shearometry,
      • vibrometry,
      • new instrumental and technological developments.
    • Case studies where laser-based methods have been used for conservation-restoration, documentation or analysis.
    • Laser-based spectroscopic techniques for analysis and monitoring, such as:
      • Raman spectroscopy,
      • Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS),
      • Laser-Induced Fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM),
      • advanced non-linear imaging microscopy,
      • terahertz spectroscopy and imaging,
      • new spectroscopic and imaging techniques.
    • Other projects or programmes in which coherent light technologies have been applied to the preservation of cultural heritage.

The Call for Papers will close on March, 1st, 2016 and must be done with the submission forms on this page.

Website here
