Summer Shool: Data-Driven Archaeology, Archaeology of the furture: Data mining, Data anlaysis, Data-driven archaeology, July 2016, Pisa, Italy

From the 11th to the 29th of July 2016, at the University of Pisa, Italy, will take place a Summerschool that will enable participants to manage the whole life cycle of archaeological data. It is built around a new paradigm which takes into consideration the role of the archaeologist as both producer and user of digital Archaeological data. Attendees will learn the concepts and methods of data retrieval, management, analysis and communication through an integrated use of technology and mathematical principles.

For an effective learning environment, the number of participants be limited to 20.
Deadline for application: June 26, 2016

ECTS: 12
Fees: 690 euro
For further info please email (both)
Prof. Gualandi: (Scientific Manager)
Dr. Dubbini: (Operations Manager)

Website here

Colloque – From Aerostats to Drones: aerial imagery in Archaeology, fevrier 2016, Rome

[français, italiano & english]

La 2e conférence “From Aerostats to Drones: aerial imagery in Archaeology” aura lieu les 3,4 et 5 février 2016 à Rome.

Elle  est organisée par le Laboratoire de Topographie Antique et de Photogrammétrie (LABTAF) de l’Università del Salento, l’Universiteit Gent (Belgique) et l’Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, au siège de l’Academia Belgica de Rome, Via Omero, 8.

Les quatre sessions de la conférence :

– Histoire des études, l’œuvre des pionniers et le matériel aérophotographique historique

– Contributions pour la méthodologie et applications de photo-interprétations archéologique, et travaux de photogrammétrie

– Projets prévoyant l’emploi systématique d’images aériennes

– Les drones en archéologie

La participation est gratuite, mais à cause des mesures de sécurité accrue pour le Jubilée extraordinaire, un enregistrement est demandé via ce formulaire pdf ou word et à renvoyer à cette adresse : labtaf[at]

Site internet ici

Programme ici


Il secondo convegno internazionale “Dagli Aerostati ai Droni: le immagini aeree in Archeologia” si terrà i 3, 4 e 5 febbraio a Roma.

Sarà organizzato dal Laboratorio di Topografia Antica e Fotogrammetria (LABTAF) dell’Università del Salento, l’Universiteit Gent (Belgique) et l’Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, nella sede dell’Academia Belgica di Roma, Via Omera, 8.

Le quattro sessioni della conferenza :

– Storia degli studi, l’opera dei pionieri ed il materiale aerofotografico storico

– Contributi di metodologia ed applicazioni di fotointerpretazione archeologica e lavori di fotogrammetria finalizzata

– Progetti che prevedono l’impiego sistematico delle immagini aeree

– I droni in archeologia

Il convegno è gratuito, ma per ragioni di sicurezza a causa del Giubileo Straordinario, si prega di riempire questo modulo pdf o word, e di inviarlo a quest’indirizzo : labtaf[at]

Sito internet della conferenza qui

Programma qui


The 2nd international conference of Aerial Archaeology “From Aerostats to Drones: aerial imagery in Archaeology” will be held on February, 3, 4 and 5 in Rome.

It will be organized by the Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry (LABTAF) of the Università del Salento, the Universiteit Gent (Belgium) and the Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, at the seat of the Academia Belgica in Rome, Via Omero, 8.

The four sessions of the conference will be :

– state of the art, pioneering research and historical aerial imagery

– methodology and applications of aerial photo-interpretation and finalised photogrammetry

– presentation of projects which make systematic use of aerial photo interpretation

– drones in Archaeology

The conference will be free of charge, but for security reasons due to the Giubileo Straordinario, the committee is asking the participants to fill the registration form in pdf or word format, and to send it to : labtaf[at]

Website of the conference here

Program here